Thursday, February 24, 2011

Me doing an amazing gymnastics stunt!!

Me with a famous person!

In this picture I am on the red carpet with Paris Hilton.

Me in England!!

I used Fireworks to put myself in England!

Info Tech is almost over!

Info Tech is almost over! It seems like it has been so long since the first class but we only have 10 classes of it! Info Tech has been kind of fun for me because I have got to do alot of cool stuff on the computer that I have never done before on the computer. When I first started Info Tech I thought it was going to be boring and stuff that I would never ever like to do. Info Tech is actually pretty fun! Too bad it is almost over!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Smurf leaning on a tree!

This is my favourite!!

Cody Simpson as a Bride!

real or unreal

Place I want to go

A place I would want to go today is England! I would love to go to England because my mom, uncle,nan and grandad all grew up some place in England. Something I love about England and the people is the accents! Something else that I find really cool is the stone henge! It looks like it was made a long time ago but it is still standing. I find that everything in England looks old and aged. I would love to see castles, the big clock Big Ben, the bridge and so many more things! I also love soccer and soccer is a major sport in England! It looks like such an amazing place to go .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unreal Polar Bear with Cat Eyes

In this photo I used a polar bear and gave it cats eyes!

My favourite seasons

Spring is approaching very fast and Im really excited! Spring time is when my birthday is! I like spring because it is not really hot out but it isn't freezing cold either. Spring is a time when flowers start to bloom, and it seems like everything comes to life again after being frozen in the winter.

My absolute favourite season is Summer! One of the reasons summer is my favourite season because there is no school which means NO HOMEWORK! It also means that I can sleep in till noon. I also love summer because I can hang out with my friends alot and we can go to the beach all day and swim and hang out! I love going to the beach because it is so much fun to be in the sun all day! Usually my friends and I go to the beach at about noon then we walk to the store and get chips, drinks, and stuff like that. After that we go to the beach till about five or six in the afternoon! Something else I like to do in the summer is play sports, bike and travel to Vancouver. In the Summer my family and I go to Vancouver for usually about two weeks to stay with my Aunty, Uncle and Cousin. Whenever we go to see my family we have a beach day. We pack a picnic then go to the beach all day! We always go to Granville Island and my aunty, mom and I usually go shopping on Robson street! I love summer! It is definetly my favourite season!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dog Tail

Multiple Strawberries

Zebra Shadows, all but one.


Fireworks Lightning Effect

Ronald McDonald on a throne as Vince Vaughn

Graffiti Wall!

Funniest Thing

The funniest thing that happend this weekend was at my gramma's birthday. My step dad and my mom were talking to my gramma and her friends. My sister and I were just sitting around so we decided to give my mom about of a scare. My sister and I ran behind the fridge and then I called my mom. My mom came walking right by the fridge and my sister and I jumped out at her and scared her! My mom was carrying a plate of food and she spilled it all over the ground. It was really funny!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Colour Change and tattoo on Photoshop!

Here is my Colour change of a poppy in a black and white field. Before I did the colour change the field was bright green but the poppy's were a darker shade of red. To do this I changed the background to black and white first then I decided to add abit of colour. I did this by choosing ' Hue/ Saturation' in the Image then adjustments bar. I chose bright red because I thought it would look really cool.
This photo that I did of myself was alot harder. I had to chose a tattoo I wanted to put on my forehead. I chose a small greenish-blue heart. I had to use the stamp then chose an area that I wanted to start from then I had to click on my forehead and paste it on .

Valentines Dance

Last night was the Valentines Dance! It was really really fun!  The music was super super loud and it was really fun to be dancing with all my friends. The choice of music was awesome! They had like a glowing dance floor and it was super cool to dance on . They also had a live DJ which was totally awesome! They also had a catwalk which everyone danced on! It was a totally party! It was insane :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Photo Shop

Here are some photos I made in Photoshop

More Photoshop

So today on photoshop we made our pictures into monekys.
Just like this!

My #1 thing on my Bucket List

My number one thing on my bucket list is to travel across the world. I would like to go across all of Europe and alot of tropical places! I would love to go scuba diving in hawaii and go to the Marine Biology place. I want to go across Europe and try a whole bunch of new foods and see cultural buildings and stuff like that! I would love to trravel across the world because I think it would be really really fun!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Weekend

 All weekend I had to study math and work on a socials project. BLECK.If I had to choose one subject that I really did NOT like at all, it would be math. In Socials my friend and I are doing a report on Joan of Arc. Something else I did was I went for a walk around my neighborhood. On Friday I hung out with my one of my friends, we were supposed to go to a festival but it ended up pouring rain. Instead of going to the festival we went to Dairy Queen and got blizzards then went skating.  It was actually really fun!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Music :)

MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC! Im gonna write about music, I love listening to music. I like alot of different bands and singers but just a few are Family Force 5, Paramore, and  DWW. What type of music do you like? I find that music is a way to express how your feeling. I like to listen to pop and rock music. Music is for everyone because it express' your inner feelings.

High Points in my First Semester of Highschool

So far high school has been pretty good! I have met alot of new people and experienced new classes. Some of the high points for me in high school so far have been trying new classes. I play alto saxophone and Im in the school band. Being in band is a good experience because you get to learn to express yourself with music. Another subject I really like is English. Another high point in high school so far has been meeting new people! The last semester was awesome so Im hoping the new one will be awesome too :)